


专注是一种技能 | | 刘一峰的个人博客


我的Newsletter vol 01 | 刘一峰的个人博客







你会选择投资大脑还是喂养AI | 刘一峰的个人博客


glow-sans/requirements.txt at master · welai/glow-sans · GitHub

SHSans-derived CJK font family with a more concise & modern look. 未来荧黑·未來熒黑·ヒカリ角ゴ:基于思源黑体改造,拥有粗度和宽度系列,更加简明现代的超大字体家族。 - glow-sans/requirements.txt at master · welai/glow-sans

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Trusted by millions of developers. We protect and defend the most trustworthy platform for developers everywhere to create and build software.

glow-sans/requirements.txt at master · welai/glow-sans · GitHub

SHSans-derived CJK font family with a more concise & modern look. 未来荧黑·未來熒黑·ヒカリ角ゴ:基于思源黑体改造,拥有粗度和宽度系列,更加简明现代的超大字体家族。 - glow-sans/requirements.txt at master · welai/glow-sans

GitHub Username PolicyGitHub Docs

Get started, troubleshoot, and make the most of GitHub. Documentation for new users, developers, administrators, and all of GitHub's products.

About GitHub for enterprisesGitHub Enterprise Cloud Docs

Businesses can use GitHub's enterprise products to improve their entire software development lifecycle.

Exploring the dependencies of a repositoryGitHub Enterprise Cloud Docs

You can use the dependency graph to see the packages your project depends on and the repositories that depend on it. In addition, you can see any vulnerabilities detected in its dependencies.

GitHubgithub/roadmap: GitHub public roadmap

GitHub public roadmap. Contribute to github/roadmap development by creating an account on GitHub.

Inviting collaborators to a personal repositoryGitHub Docs

You can invite users to become collaborators to your personal repository.

Perhaps We Need A "Day of Proselytizing"

Perhaps I am a kind of christian who believes that either you accept jesus as your lord and savior or you are going to be punished eternally in hell. I would want to tell people, warn them, so they could avoid this outcome. But I'm in a pickle: if I'm constantly telling the people around me that I believe they're going to go to hell unless they change their ways, I'm likely to have many fewer arou

What is the real "danger zone" for food?

In my post about keeping dry food warm in school lunches I wrote that "The general rule is that hot food shouldn't be below 140F (60C) for more than two hours, because substantial bacteria can grow, and the closer it is to 100F (37C)the worse it is." Someone said they had heard 130F (55C) was the limit, and asked where this rule came from, and I read more about it. Bacteria that's most dangerous

Conversation with Gleb of Intentional Insights

Gleb Tsipursky has been raising money for his organization, Intentional Insights, which he describes as an EA-aligned organization aimed at growing the EA community. At EA Global someone asked me what I thought of them, and I said Gleb had asked me for funding but I wasn't willing to. After I declined his request, we had a discussion in the comments on LessWrong which did not resolve my concerns


今夕几年:早上去买早餐芝麻球,结果最后一个被前面的小姐姐买走了 - 掘金


七七喝可乐:今天是痛苦的练车日 已经考了两次科二了,但都不过😭 友友们科目二考了几次 - 掘金


bug收集者:关于上次五一相亲,媒人4月30下午带着见了一个女孩,见面地点在医院,女方姑父住院,女孩过去照顾,因为她姑父要做手术,没有时间详聊,我就进行了一个自我介绍,然后随便聊了2句加个微信就结束回去了。5月1号女方发微信问我今天有事情嘛,没事情过去玩 - 掘金





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