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专注是一种技能 | | 刘一峰的个人博客


我的Newsletter vol 01 | 刘一峰的个人博客











Sudo modeGitHub Docs

To confirm access to your account before you perform a potentially sensitive action, GitHub.com prompts for authentication.

Site policy documentationGitHub Docs

Get started, troubleshoot, and make the most of GitHub. Documentation for new users, developers, administrators, and all of GitHub's products.

Moderating comments and conversationsGitHub Docs

Moderating conversations creates a welcoming community for all contributors to your project by promoting healthy collaboration and de-escalating conflict. You can apply your community's code of conduct to discussions by viewing reported content, editing and deleting comments, and locking conversations.

Why are my contributions not showing up on my profile?GitHub Docs

Learn common reasons that contributions may be missing from your contributions graph.

GitHub Community Code of ConductGitHub Docs

Get started, troubleshoot, and make the most of GitHub. Documentation for new users, developers, administrators, and all of GitHub's products.

Viewing insights for your organizationGitHub Enterprise Cloud Docs

Organization insights provide data about your organization's activity, contributions, and dependencies.

Setting a theme for GitHub DesktopGitHub Docs

You can set a theme to customize the look and feel of GitHub Desktop.

Maintaining ownership continuity of your personal account's repositoriesGitHub Docs

You can invite someone to manage your user owned repositories if you are not able to.

Managing security and analysis settings for your personal accountGitHub Docs

You can control features that secure and analyze the code in your projects on GitHub.

About GitHub for enterprisesGitHub Enterprise Cloud Docs

Businesses can use GitHub's enterprise products to improve their entire software development lifecycle.

Repositories documentationGitHub Docs

Learn to use and manage the repositories that allow you to store and collaborate on your project's code.

GitHub Terms of ServiceGitHub Docs

Get started, troubleshoot, and make the most of GitHub. Documentation for new users, developers, administrators, and all of GitHub's products.

Make more land

We used to make land. We built long wharves for docking ships, and then over time filled in the areas between them. Later we built up mudflats wholesale to make even larger areas. Here's a map of Boston showing how much of the land wasn't previously dry: (Map reproduction courtesy of the Norman B. Leventhal Map & Education Center at the Boston Public Library) In expensive areas, converti

Open-Plan Offices

It's common to hate on the open-plan office as a shortsighted way for employers to save money, on paper, by packing more people in the same amount of space, but that actually ends up making employees distracted, interrupted, and miserable. Everyone hates open offices, they're a terrible fit for anyone who needs to focus on their work, and their spread is just another indication that our society is




七七喝可乐:今天是痛苦的练车日 已经考了两次科二了,但都不过😭 友友们科目二考了几次 - 掘金





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