

GoScan: Interactive Network Scanner | CYBERPUNK

GoScan - Interactive Network Scanner: Written in Go, featuring auto-completion, which provides abstraction and automation over Nmap. You can use it to per..。。。


Symbolic Execution ToolManticore | CYBERPUNK

Manticore: Symbolic Execution Tool with command line interface which can be used to easily symbolically execute a supported program/smart contract. It's ...

Exploitation Tools & Examples for Pentesting Professionals | CYBERPUNK

Best Exploitation Tools, Examples, Tutorals: For Security Researchers and Penetration Testing Professionals. Open Source Exploitation Tools.

CyberPunk Chat | CYBERPUNK

CyberPunk XMPP Chat: Join CyberPunk.rs Community. You can access directly trough XMPP Server: cyberpunk.rs or use our Web Client cyberpunk.rs/cyberpunk-chat


LATEST RELEASES - New features, fixes and information on: CyberSecurity Tools, Penetration Testing Tools, Ethical Hacking Tools, Network Security and Mob...







Let's Encrypt Free SSL podešavanjeNginx (Ubuntu 18.04) | CYBERPUNK

Kratak tutorial sa osnovnim koracima za Free SSL podešavanje Let’s encrypt sertifikata na Ubuntu 18.04 serveru koji se oslanja na Nginx web server.

Wireless Security Protocols: WEP, WPA, WPA2 and WPA3 | CYBERPUNK

Wireless Security Protocols: WEP, WPA, WPA2 and WPA3: A very short overview of Wireless Security Protocols. For each of them we'll try to point out both ...

CyberPunk Contact: | CYBERPUNK

If you have inquiries or some interesting topic that you would like to write for CyberPunk, let us know on info@cyberpunk.rs.

Bully: WPS Brute Force Attack | Wireless SecurityCYBERPUNK

Bully - WPS Brute Force Attack: It's developed to run on Linux and supports offline Pixie Dust attack. Unlike other tools with the same purpose of WPS, it..

Lock Picking Tools | CYBERPUNK

Lock Picking Tools: It's well-known that the lock picking represents one of the basic elements in hacker culture, but why? It's simple. Physical lock pic...

YARD Stick One | Yet Another Radio Dongle | CYBERPUNK

YARD Stick One - Yet Another Radio Dongle: Sub-1 GHz wireless transceiver, created by Mike Ossmann of Great Scott Gadgets, which can be controlled from ...

DDoor: Cross-platform Backdoor Using DNS txt Records | CYBERPUNK

DDoor - Cross-platform Backdoor Using DNS txt Records: An advanced multi-platform tool that allows you to use DNS txt records when executing command-based..

EasySploit: MetaSploit Automation Tool | CYBERPUNK

EasySploit - Easy to Use & Fast MetaSploit Automation Tool: EasySploit is a tool which allows the user to run MetaSploit in an automated environment.

DVNA: Damn Vulnerable NodeJS Application | CYBERPUNK

DVNA: Deliberately vulnerable NodeJS application is security application, which simply demonstrates the top 10 vulnerabilities of OWASP in NodeJS.

RTL-SDR | DVB-T USB Stick for SDR Reception | CYBERPUNK

RTL-SDR is a multipurpose SDR device of great utility with physical size very similar to that of a pen drive. Being a Software-defined Radio device, than...

FiercePhish: Full-fledged Phishing Framework | CYBERPUNK

FiercePhish - Full-fledged Phishing Framework: Powerful open-source tool that is used in the management of various phishing operations, which allows you...

WiebeTech Drive eRazer | Hacker Gadgets | CYBERPUNK

WiebeTech Drive eRazer: An accessory that has the ability to completely wipe off all the data contained in a hard drive at a single press of a button.

SPF Email Validation Protocol | CYBERPUNK

Quick overview of SPF email validation protocol. SPF (Sender Policy Framework) is here to restricts who can send emails with your domain name.

Wireshark: v3.1.2rc0 | CYBERPUNK

Wireshark-3.1.2 Released! Build 3.1.2. Read directly related posts about WireShark - A Well Known Network Protocol Analyzer. To download the latest releas..

Radare2: v3.3.0 Codename: BONELESS PIZZA | CYBERPUNK

Radare2 3.3.0 - New Features: Implemented aao command to analyze all the objc xrefsRemove some false positive xrefs; Added asm.str.lea to avoid false posi..

Kako povezati Bootstrap sa WordPress temom | CYBERPUNK

Kratko upuststvo: Kako povezati Bootstrap sa WordPress temom. Postoje tri standardna načina na koji možete povezati Bootstrap, ali ovde su prikazana dva...

Instalacija MySQL Servera (Ubuntu 18.04) | CYBERPUNK

Instalacija MySQL servera - Kratko korak-po-korak uputstvo za instalaciju MySQL servera na Ubuntu 18.04 operativnom sistemu.

Hijacker: Android GUI App For WiFi Security Assessment | CYBERPUNK

Hijacker - Android GUI App For WiFi Security Assessment: Hijacker is a GUI (Graphical User Interface) for the following WiFi pentesting tools: Aircrack-ng..

.NET Debugger and Assembly EditordnSpy | CYBERPUNK

dnSpy: Tool to reverse engineer .NET assemblies including .NET debugger, a decompiler and an assembly editor. Easily extendible, it uses dnlib to read and...


    CyberPunk: The Best Tutorials & CyberSecurity Tool Reviews. Get informed about the latest ethical hacking and cybersecurity tool releases. Read Cyberpunk's ethical hacking tutorials/articles and watch usage videos...



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