

Reconnaissance Swiss Army KnifeReconDog | CYBERPUNK

ReconDog: Information Gathering and Vulnerability Scanner tool written in Python. It's an all in one tool for all basic information gathering tasks, such...。。。


Symbolic Execution ToolManticore | CYBERPUNK

Manticore: Symbolic Execution Tool with command line interface which can be used to easily symbolically execute a supported program/smart contract. It's ...

Exploitation Tools & Examples for Pentesting Professionals | CYBERPUNK

Best Exploitation Tools, Examples, Tutorals: For Security Researchers and Penetration Testing Professionals. Open Source Exploitation Tools.

CyberPunk Chat | CYBERPUNK

CyberPunk XMPP Chat: Join CyberPunk.rs Community. You can access directly trough XMPP Server: cyberpunk.rs or use our Web Client cyberpunk.rs/cyberpunk-chat


LATEST RELEASES - New features, fixes and information on: CyberSecurity Tools, Penetration Testing Tools, Ethical Hacking Tools, Network Security and Mob...






Let's Encrypt Free SSL podešavanjeNginx (Ubuntu 18.04) | CYBERPUNK

Kratak tutorial sa osnovnim koracima za Free SSL podešavanje Let’s encrypt sertifikata na Ubuntu 18.04 serveru koji se oslanja na Nginx web server.

CyberPunk Contact: | CYBERPUNK

If you have inquiries or some interesting topic that you would like to write for CyberPunk, let us know on info@cyberpunk.rs.

Network and Web Pentest FrameworkJok3r | CYBERPUNK

Jok3r - Network and Web Pentest Framework: A Python3 CLI (Command Line Interface) application which provides penetration testers huge help for network in...

pwndrop: Self-deployable File Hosting Service | CYBERPUNK

Pwndrop - Self-hosting Your Red Team Payloads: Pwndrop is a self-deployable file hosting service which allows to easily upload and transfer payloads over...

Cybersecurity Conferences | CYBERPUNK

Most recognized cybersecurity conferences, including a list of best cybersecurity and infosec events out there. Providing basic info, location and prices

Lock Picking Tools | CYBERPUNK

Lock Picking Tools: It's well-known that the lock picking represents one of the basic elements in hacker culture, but why? It's simple. Physical lock pic...


USB Ninja: Information security and penetration testing tool that looks and functions just like an ordinary USB cable. but only until wireless remote con...

DDoor: Cross-platform Backdoor Using DNS txt Records | CYBERPUNK

DDoor - Cross-platform Backdoor Using DNS txt Records: An advanced multi-platform tool that allows you to use DNS txt records when executing command-based..

EasySploit: MetaSploit Automation Tool | CYBERPUNK

EasySploit - Easy to Use & Fast MetaSploit Automation Tool: EasySploit is a tool which allows the user to run MetaSploit in an automated environment.

Najbolji Torrent sajtovi | CYBERPUNK

Najbolji Torrent sajtovi i izvori koji su danas dostupni na Internetu. Mešani sadržaj, torenti filmova, softvera, muzike, velikih podataka, i sl.

Wireless Security Protocols: WEP, WPA, WPA2 and WPA3 | CYBERPUNK

Wireless Security Protocols: WEP, WPA, WPA2 and WPA3: A very short overview of Wireless Security Protocols. For each of them we'll try to point out both ...

Recox: Web Application Vulnerability Finder | CYBERPUNK

Recox: Web Application Vulnerability Finder - Recox combines numerous methods to form the ultimate web application reconnaissance tool.

NTP podešavanje na Linuxu (CentOS/Ubuntu) | CYBERPUNK

Kratko upustvo za NTP podešavanje na linuxu (CentOS/Ubuntu), sa osnovnim informacijama o parametrima i sigurnosti, uključujući detalje vezane za ntpq izlaz

USB Rubber Ducky | CYBERPUNK

The USB Rubber Ducky is a keystroke injection tool disguised as a generic flash drive. Computers recognize it as a regular keyboard. Once it's plugged in ...

Wireshark: v3.1.2rc0 | CYBERPUNK

Wireshark-3.1.2 Released! Build 3.1.2. Read directly related posts about WireShark - A Well Known Network Protocol Analyzer. To download the latest releas..

Bettercap: 2.24.1 | CYBERPUNK

Bettercap 2.24.1 - Fixes: correctly setting the RemoteAddr field of a proxied request; fixed a nil pointer dereference in the

AttackSurfaceMapper: Attack Surface Expander | CYBERPUNK

AttackSurfaceMapper - Attack Surface Expander: AttackSurfaceMapper is a reconnaissance tool which allows the user to automatically expand the attack surface

Mrežni razbijač šifaraTHC Hydra | CYBERPUNK

Mrežni razbijač šifara - THC Hydra: Mislite da su vaše lozinke jake i sigurne?  Grdno se varate! Postoji mnogo načina i opcija za zaštitu lozinki, ali kada..

.NET Debugger and Assembly EditordnSpy | CYBERPUNK

dnSpy: Tool to reverse engineer .NET assemblies including .NET debugger, a decompiler and an assembly editor. Easily extendible, it uses dnlib to read and...


    CyberPunk: The Best Tutorials & CyberSecurity Tool Reviews. Get informed about the latest ethical hacking and cybersecurity tool releases. Read Cyberpunk's ethical hacking tutorials/articles and watch usage videos...



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